Jackson County REMC supplies our electric needs at the barndo. At the house in Seymour, we had Duke Energy — and Duke also supplies Ben’s house (also in Seymour).
The respective electric companies list their rates as:
- Duke Indiana — 15.89
- REMC — 12.57
So I’m on a mission to find out why our bill is so darned high.
REMC has a management tool on their website where you can view usage even down to the hour. Looking at it, I know exactly when I do laundry and bathe. It HAS to be the hot water heater! Doesn’t it? Either we need a new one, or we’ve not correctly shut down a valve when we closed the boiler for the summer. Either way, it’s above my pay grade.
It’s either that or unknown houseguests are using electricity when I’m not looking…

Me to Perry: WTH? This is the kitchen counter.
Perry: Can we keep him??? 😁
Me: I covered him with a dish towel and relocated him.
Perry: Buh bye, Fred the Frog.
Fred has a new home.
Fred’s new home is pretty and it’s solar powered. I hope he likes it.

Now you know: In 2013, a Chinese zoo angered visitors by trying to pass off a hairy Tibetan mastiff dog as a lion.