staying informed without feeling depressed

Nov 11, 2023

Staying informed about current events is important, but it’s equally crucial to manage your well-being and mental health. That’s not so easy when there’s so much noise. It seems everything in the news is overwhelming to the point it’s depressing.

I asked ChatGPT for help!

To summarize… limiting your news consumption, choosing reliable sources, and maintaining diversity of sources is important — but taking breaks to find balance is paramount. Focus on activities that are calming or relaxing.

Makes sense… right?

I even watched some lazy cows just for good measure…

Next, I asked ChatGPT what to do when you’re having a really bad hair day…

Here’s the advice:

Own It: Sometimes, embracing the imperfections and confidently owning your bad hair day can be the best strategy. Confidence is attractive, and people might not even notice what you perceive as a flaw.


Oh! I own it… but people would definitely notice. 😏

Even ChatGPT gets it wrong sometimes. Don’t believe everything you read/watch/hear.

Now you know: Any person who successfully parachutes out of a failing aircraft is eligible to join the caterpillar club. You get a certificate as well as a caterpillar shaped pin and get to join their annual gatherings. People who escaped a failing aircraft with no parachute are denied entry