Poor lil’ Merida’s skin is driving her crazy. She’s itching so badly that she kept everyone up all night last night. 😒
She started out in bed and got in trouble for scratching. She moved to the floor for about 5-minutes before running Dharma from her bed. Dharma got in the other dog bed and Merida then scooted her out of it. This went on all night long. ALL. NIGHT. LONG.
On this cold and dreary Sunday, we’re all sleepy.

I slathered her in coconut oil (after covering the couches with sheets) and gave her 2 CBD chews. Relief at last, she snoozed off and on most of the day. Unlike the humans who feel sluggish and downright lethargic.
She’s about to get greased up again.
I figure with this last application, she’ll be ready for a greased pig contest. Vet call in the morning for Apoquel (itch/allergy medicine). Sure hope I get some sleep tonight! 🙂
Now you know: Slot machines run by the U.S. military earn $100 million a year from service members overseas.