new year… same ole’ me

Jan 2, 2024

No resolutions. Not a single one!

Oh, there’s a bajillion things I should work on “fixing” or “changing,” but I’m not going to resolve to do it just because it’s a new year. Some choose a new word to live by each year… like “kindness” or “enough.” Great concept to apply generally throughout a year — but I’m skipping that too.

I do have a general goal moving forward in life.

My life plan for the future is to focus on minimizing output. To be specific, I plan to minimize energy output (what energy I have to expend to sustain my lifestyle) as well as monetary output (future costs required to sustain my lifestyle).

Breaking it down… a couple examples…

Energy output:
While I LOVE the outside wood boiler, I don’t want to be trapesing out there to add wood to keep warm. Not now and certainly not 10 years from now (assuming I’ll still be alive in 10 years). I’m going to add a couple gas stoves at the barndo — one downstairs and one upstairs. They can serve as a backup now… and are there if circumstances change.

Monetary output:
Rather than spending more on stuff that doesn’t really matter, I plan to get my overall expenditures better organized — long term sustainability so I can work less (which points back to energy output).

What about you?

A new year is a great time to reflect and set positive intentions for the future. Even if you’re like me and refuse to set New Year resolutions just because of a date on a calendar, I hope you take a moment reflect on 2023 as you move into 2024.

May your coming year be filled with new adventures, laughter, and the fulfillment of dreams.

Now you know: The earliest recorded New Year festivities dates back 4,000 years to ancient Babylon. Later, Caesar instituted January 1st as the first day of the year to honor Janus, the Roman god of beginnings.