water hating lab is the one that needed a bath

Jan 12, 2024

Black, water hating lab, Merida, has been scratching because the winter air and inside heat is drying out her skin. My experience is that an oatmeal bath with coconut oil applied afterward gives her immediate relief. I wrestle her into the bathroom and shut the door.

Dharma is butt hurt and wants the entire county to know it.

As I’m doing my best to wrangle Merida in the tub, Dharma is barking at the door. Unlike Merida, she loves water and was feeling unloved and left out. Even though a break between dogs would’ve been nice (I’m covered in water myself by the time I’m finished with dog #1), big brown has zero patience when it comes to water.

Dharma loves a bath.

After an exasperating, water drenching experience, both dogs were bathed but not dried… and it’s barely daylight. AND they want outside where it’s cold so they can probably roll their round, freshly scrubbed bodies in the mud. Of course, I still have a bathtub to clean and a floor to mop before doing a load of towels.

I’m not sure who was more worn out by the time it was over… Merida or me.

Bath time makes Merida sleepy

After body blocking Merida to prevent escape while trying to rinse off shampoo, and lifting Dharma out of the tub because she’s afraid she’ll slip, I’m positive it would just be simpler if I had a couple teacup foo foo dogs. 🙄

Now you know: The only state in the U.S. that requires shoes while driving is Alabama — and that’s only for motorcycle riders.