you can take the man out of the city…

Jan 21, 2024

Perry isn’t really a country dude but he has adapted. Somewhat. 😉

Today is our last of below zero wind chill temps before rain rolls in with warmer temperatures for the week. Perry thinks he’ll be happy about that but hasn’t considered that he’ll be wading in water to get to the wood boiler.

I want to ask him if he wishes he would’ve stacked the wood.

Those of us that didn’t grow up in the city (Cincinnati for Perry), or experience apartment living for most of our lives suggested that he should stack the wood and cover it with a tarp. It didn’t get done. But not once has ole’ Perry complained of the extra work it requires now… and there’s no way I’m going to mention it.

With snow followed by bitter cold, the wood pile is like one big block of ice. He’s breaking off pieces with a rake…

Perry unsticking wood to burn

Toasty inside 😎 – frigid outside. 🥶

Standing at the front door secretly taking a few photos with a telephoto lens, I’m toasty warm inside the barndo. And I’m not gonna lie, I do feel sorry for him. While the boiler is full for now, it has to be checked — and usually more wood added — a couple times a day when we’re experiencing sub-zero temperatures.

wood boiler in the wintertime

Perry would tell you — and anyone that would listen — that he HATES winter but LOVES rural living. I love snow but I’m over the frigid temps we’ve had lately… same as everyone else around here. It’s easier to love snow when you don’t have to drive in it — or put wood in an outside boiler. 😉

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