There was a time I was excited for change and technology advances. There was a time I would embrace learning new things and diving deep into algorithmics and online shifts. It’s time to replace the passion I had for these work-related things with passions set aside.
After practice retirement comes semi-retirement.
While I plan to continue working with my favorite brother on a limited basis, I’m done spending hours upon hours in a chair in front of a computer. It’s time to redefine my goals and pivot into a new and exciting chapter. February is a crazy busy month with events scheduled, but looking ahead to summer I’ll admit I’m excited to have more freedom.
I’m also looking forward to my current view — freezing rain and naked trees — changing to a view of green leaves and blue skies.

Yesterday was hard, but today is looking up!
After a day filled with challenges — my g/f Julie finding out her dog has cancer, to a event contact being fired and replaced (starting over with the planning)… and more issues too numerous to mention — today hasn’t been so bad so far. (It’s still early, but I’m optimistic.)
And while Katie is moving out of Indiana, my favorite brother is moving back. He and his wife have kept a home in Fort Wayne and will be living there instead of Las Vegas for the immediate future. With her aging parents and four grandkids here in Indiana, being closer to family is the right decision for them.
Having said that, Tammy is more excited about the move than Scott. 😉
Now you know: Since Rain Man (1989) over 1/3 of Academy Awards for Best Actor went to Actors portraying people with disabilities.