open your windows — it’s 65° in southern Indiana in February

Feb 10, 2024

Still early February and yesterday was 65° in rural southern Indiana. My windows were open the entire day to let in fresh air and push out the stale stuff. A bit of rain is expected today, but temps are still to be near 60°. Crazy, but on this day in 2023, the temperature here was almost exactly the same — the only difference is we had high wind alerts last year.

sunny and 65 in the ville in February

Just rain here, but Henryville had some wind damage this morning…

I got a text from Perry this morning letting me know the unconfirmed tornado missed his store but hit the Henryville forestry. (More on

These warm days have my Momma in spring cleaning mode!

Mom is on a mission of the cleaning kind. She has Mr. Pesky working like it’s his job and has commandeered my help to paint a wall. That’s what happens when you’re about to be semi-retired. It’s not all fun and games when the word gets around. 😉

Now you know: The Baltimore Ravens thought that John Urschel was taking classes at MIT part time — that’s what he told them. The team did not know that he was a full-time PhD math student. Urschel studied from the end of Sunday games until practice on Tuesday.