parents should encourage children to be plumbers

Mar 8, 2024

When Scott and I were in high school, college was the next step to get ahead in life. Why? Because college graduates have typically had access to a wider range of job opportunities and were better equipped to adapt to changing market demands.

When my son, Ben, was at that particular crossroad, nothing much had changed. College was still the direction one should be encouraged to go to be successful.

Back then, we didn’t see AI coming.

looking for AI but don't see it coming

You may or may not believe as I do… that AI will create earth-shattering changes. I believe it’s already started. Now, everyone has access to insights and productivity like never before. That means humans must be more competent as to not be replaceable — and for some, competency won’t be enough.

My child rearing days are behind me and I’m great with that. At my stage in life, I’m happy I don’t have to make the decisions young parents do today. But if I did…

I’d encourage my kids to become plumbers, electricians, contractors or mechanics.

AI can’t fix your toilet, repair an electrical short, shingle a roof, or find out why your car’s A/C quit working. People still need those professions with or without the benefit of AI.

It’s scary when you analyze recent data — especially when what businesses see as their primary challenge is not congruent with what prospective employees are looking for…

  1. Recent research shows keeping pace with technology is the #1 challenge for businesses today.
  2. Recent research shows work-life balance is the #1 challenge for individual professionals today.

Now you know: When baseball player Roberto Clemente died in a plane crash, his teammate Manny Sanguillen was the only one of his teammates who did not attend the memorial service. He instead chose to dive into the shark-infested crash site to try and help to retrieve the body.