an enriching experience that can positively impact your life

Mar 18, 2024

If you’re looking for some life coach mumbo jumbo, you won’t find it here. What you will find instead is me telling you that owning a dog is rewarding, and that it promotes emotional well-being, physical health and overall quality of life.

Merida dreaming about summertime.

Caring for a dog requires commitment, responsibility, and a daily routine.

Owning a dog can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Their presence can provide comfort, support, and a sense of belonging, especially during challenging times.

Dharma's cute face

Studies show that interacting with dogs reduces stress levels, lowers blood pressure and promotes relaxation. Merida did NOT take part in any of the studies…

Merida is a hot mess

The companionship, love, and joy that dogs bring into your life can lead to increased happiness, fulfillment, and overall life satisfaction. Their playful antics, unwavering devotion, and constant presence can brighten your days and bring a sense of joy to your home.

Go get yourself a dog. If you already have one… go get another. 🙂

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