happy my brother is moving instead of me

Mar 21, 2024

My favorite brother is pulling out of Las Vegas in 4 short days. They’re now in panic mode trying to finish up in time. It’s not been that long ago that we were facing the same challenges — only we didn’t have a place to move to… especially one that was already furnished and waiting.

What’s harder for them is they’re transitioning about 1,900 miles while our move was less than 15. 🙂

Larger cities have options that rural areas simply don’t.

One of the things he mentioned that’s been a huge help for them is taskrabbit. You can book help from their website for home tasks like repairs, moving, painting, cleaning and more. He says the cost is very reasonable and I can think of a bajillion ways I could use them.

We have real rabbits here in the country, but we’d have to live in L’ville or Indy to take advantage of the taskrabbit service.

Living in a rural setting you have rabbits AND birds!

American goldfinch on feeder

That little American goldfinch ate seeds about all day long. He took turns sharing space with a red-headed woodpecker that was equally as entertaining.

It would be great if the wind would stop blowing so darned hard — the little fellers have to hang on just to eat.

Now you know: In World War I, a homing pigeon named Cher Ami was shot by the Germans, but managed to keep flying and carry the message for help. Thanks to this, 194 American soldiers were saved.