listen to know where you live

Apr 5, 2024

Sitting at my desk this morning, I can hear cows mooing in the distance. I hear birds gathering around the feeder just outside my window. And, I hear the wind rustling the trees directly to my south.

window view in rural Indiana

From marching bands to mooing…

At my previous home, waking to the sounds of the Seymour High School Marching Band practicing was typical. At night in the fall, I could hear the cannon blast when the football team scored a goal. We had street sweepers that had their unique sound and in the summer, I could hear my neighbors.

I didn’t mind all those things — I even liked the band and football game noise. Now, I appreciate the sounds of rural living and know I love those sounds even more.

Close your eyes and listen to what’s going on around you.

Are you where you can hear what makes you happy?

Now you know: In 1969 Ted Conrad embezzled $215,000 from a bank in Ohio & proceeded to evade capture for the remaining 51 years of his life. He became ‘Thomas Randele’ & settled in Massachusetts. Described by authorities as a deathbed confession, in 2021 he told his wife & daughter who he was & what he did.