school buses in the late 30’s and early 40’s

Apr 7, 2024

Sometimes, you can find gems on Facebook. Not often, I’ll admit, but I saw a photo shared to the group “Crothersville History in Pictures” that I grabbed. It’s of Alice Rider (Jeff Rider’s mom — Jeff graduated with my favorite brother) and she graduated in 1943.

It’s a picture of a picture. 🙂

Crothersville school bus in the late 30's and early 40's

Jeff went on to say that his Grandfather Rogers (waaaaay before my time) drove the school bus for years. Of course, I wonder if that’s the only bus that Crothersville had. I also think about how cold it would’ve been in the winter, and that it wouldn’t hold many students. No flashing lights either that I can see.

Because I have some history with school buses and Photoshop…

I couldn’t help myself from “fixing” the above photo. Straightening it up and even colorizing it.

Colorized Crothersville school bus in the late 30's and early 40's

Now you know: In ancient Greece, men had to go to the gym completely naked. These spaces were exclusively for men, and exercising in the nude was meant to promote the appreciation of the male physique as a tribute to the gods.