We don’t start the show because we’re ready

May 16, 2024

Joe Calloway, a friend and former speaker, has shared one story on Facebook more than a few times throughout the years. I read it again today and smiled — just like every time before. So I’m sharing it with you today so you can smile too. 🙂

If you enjoy it, please repay me for the share by telling me what’s eating my hosta.

what's eating the hosta plant?


Sunday afternoon, my 10 year old daughter, Jessica, asked me if she and her best friend, Emma, could set up a lemonade stand in our yard. It was a very drizzly, wet, cool day. But I thought a lesson could be learned about disappointment and realistic expectations, so I said “Sure.” They painted a sign (“50 Cents a Cup – All Proceeds to Benefit Animal Shelter”), made the lemonade, set up their table in the yard, and stood in the drizzle.  I sighed the sigh that a wise parent sighs as his child is about to face disappointment.  

Finally, a lone, soggy jogger stopped. Then a car. Then neighbors started coming over. THEN the Grey Line Tour bus comes to a screeching halt right in front of our house.  (I‘m in Nashville. A music star lives in my neighborhood.  Not unusual.) The tour bus driver opened his door, ordered a cup of lemonade, then invited the girls to bring their pitcher onto the bus and almost every passenger bought a cup.

After two hours the girls had made almost $60 for the animal shelter.

A valuable lesson was learned. Not by them. By me. The lesson was that sometimes, even when everything seems stacked against you, you just go.  It’s just your time.  Because you make it your time.

Lorne Michaels of Saturday Night Live once said, “We don’t start the show because we’re ready. We start the show because it’s 11:30.

For Jessica and Emma, it was 11:30. 

Look at your watch.

What time is it?

Now you know: Paul McCartney, Phil Collins and Michael Jackson are the only musicians who have sold over 100 million records both as solo artists and as members of a band.