after retirement job search based on qualifications

May 20, 2024

I’m thinking I should go into the mowing business once I retire. I’m currently getting a whole lot of experience and figure I should be considered an expert at any time now.

grass stained shoes

The only time I get a day off is if it rains!

Struggling to get the pool in shape has been a chore. Losing the cover mid-winter, it didn’t open to pretty clean water. It was more like pond water actually. It seems like no matter how hard I work, I can’t get this property into maintenance mode.

It feels like I started a 10-mile race at least 7-miles behind. That finish line is so far off I don’t want to run anymore. ARG!

Now you know: President Lincoln signed into law a revenue-raising measure to help pay for Civil War expenses. It was the start of the IRS and was USA’s first income tax. He was a Republican. 😬