lesson from a novice user of a power washer

May 24, 2024

During the spring months, I feel like I’m spread as thin as cobwebs. When Mr. Pesky let me know that it was likely going to rain in the morning — the day I planned to mow to beat the rain predicted earlier — I knew I should get as much done as possible. I started at 7:30 PM. 🙁

But I did learn something new earlier in the day!

I bought Perry a power washer as a gift for some occasion… thinking of all the things I could have him do with it rather than it being something he wanted. (Women do that sometimes.) But between loads of laundry and working on the pool, I decided I’d power wash the outdoor Adirondack chairs.

power washer

Plugged in with the hose attached, I turned the water on and the thing did nothing. I flipped the on/off switch and checked I was plugged in all the way and still… nothing!

I didn’t know the thing doesn’t run until you squeeze the nozzle. 🙄

Now you know: A 2022 survey of 3,000 adults & children found that just 27% of children (ages 6-16) said they regularly play outside their homes, whereas, 71% of the baby boomer generation said they did when they were children (80% for those ages 55-64).