first week of summer vacation and it’s not even summer

May 27, 2024

Coco’s first week of summer vacation and she’s here today while her Dad works. I’ll be humming video game songs in my sleep tonight. 😏

This girl has been deprived!

Taco Bell for dinner (I didn’t want to cook, don’t judge me) and she’d never tried nacho fries. Who has NOT tried nacho fries?? They were a hit and I figure both parents will be purchasing them in the future. Put a mark in the win column for grandmas everywhere.

nacho fries for Coco

Finally, no rain — just windy and cool… and cloudy.

With many off for the holiday weekend, it would’ve been great if the weather would’ve cooperated. Not complaining since at least it didn’t rain.

We dodged bad storms over the weekend but they were all around us. The neighborhood where my cousin, Celina, lives in Oklahoma got hammered. While everyone is ok, she had a tree on her house. And of course, I worried about Katie and the storms around her, but she too is just fine.

Now you know: The most venomous snake in the world is not a sea snake but the Inland Taipan, from Australia.