With rain in the forecast within the next hour, I made my way to the fenced in yard. This part of the yard is better know as the hound dog bathroom. Rubber glove on and poop sack in the other hand, I got to work on the dreaded task of feces removal before mowing that fertilized patch of grass.
Dharma and Merida were onlookers to the task.
Both dogs were outside with me and when finished, I tossed the poop sack toward the burn barrel and scored a 3-point shot. **flex**
I got to the door first and snapped a photo of our latest visitor.

Not gonna’ lie, the dude startled me. But before I could do anything to relocate Mr. Black Rat Snake — or before he could knock on the door — Merida spied him. Obviously, she hated his guts. And… he hated hers too.
Without a backward glance, he swiftly slithered back under the deck with Merida hot on his tail. Mr. Snake escaped and will wait for another opportunity to sun himself at my door. ARG!
Now you know: Black rat snakes can reach 8′ in length and are helpful in controlling the rodent population which can cause crop destruction and spread diseases. They live 10-15 years and lay eggs between June and August. Rat snakes love frogs, lizards, birds and eggs.