how much time do you spend in the kitchen?

Jun 2, 2024

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics says women spend a whole lot more time on household activities than men. The only categories where men pull in front are lawn care, and interior and exterior maintenance and repair — and they aren’t daily chores so men score low overall.

After mowing yesterday morning, I cooked twice and cleaned up the kitchen each time.

Coco eating spaghetti

And then I played with AI in Photoshop!

We’ve all seen those “spot the differences” photos, right? Well… I made one just for y’all.

There are 11 differences in the photo below — how many can you find?

(I’ll share the answers tomorrow.)

Want to take a guess what household activity takes up the most time per day?

Within the total of all household activities, both women and men spend the most time on food preparation and cleanup. Sadly, it’s about 2 hours and 15 minutes per day for women and less than 20 minutes for men.

Now you know: A study on gender and food identified significant statistical differences. Men strongly preferred meat while women prefer vegetables, chocolate, and whole grains. Men are hungry before dinner, while women are hungry in the morning and more likely to snack throughout the day. Men also eat faster.