my nanny’s old time sayings are still true today

Jun 8, 2024

My Nanny was born in 1911 and lived a whole lot of years before she passed in 2009. It’s seems unimaginable that she’s been gone now almost 15-years. She passed down many things, but the old time sayings she shared are stuck in my brain forever.

Old time sayings are passed down by each generation.

Not only did I hear these adages from my Nanny, but Mom heard and repeated them too. Keeping tradition, I’m sure my son has heard many of them come out of my mouth.

The one I most remember from Nanny was the tidbit of wisdom she gave as I was going through a divorce and Ben was barely 4. I was struggling and worrying how I would get by without my home and even less than I had when I graduated.

She said:

It’s a poor ole’ hen that can’t scratch for one little chicken.

The saying that came to mind yesterday; however, wasn’t that one. It was another old saying that I believe 110%:

A man can work from sun to sun but a woman’s work is never done.

Of course, that was in my head as I mowed, weedeated, push mowed, cleaned the pool, moved outdoor furniture, and about a bajillion other things. 😉

I was able to take a few breaks…

I kept at it throughout the day stopping only a few times for a cold drink.

break on the deck

As the sun was sinking in the sky, I still had items on my ‘to do’ list. Because you know… a woman’s work is NEVER done. 🙂

sunset in rural Indiana

Now you know: The 1915 graduating class at West Point is called “the class the stars fell on” because 59 of 164 graduates attained the rank of general.