the pool man says we’re good to go – almost

Jun 11, 2024

Cleaning split units and all mini-splits set me back $311.00 this year. I’ve yet to get a bill from the pool man.

Perry the pool man

Perry the Pool Man says it’s clean and ready to go except for one thing…

pool water is 74 degrees

It’s only 74°. SEVENTY-FOUR! More than a week of 90° days upcoming should push the water to (hopefully) a more respectable temp.

Mayo Clinic says a comfortable pool temperature for adults is 85°F to 89°F. Swimming for fitness, cooler temperatures of 78°F to 84°F are recommended.

We’re currently in the competitive swimming zone. 🥶

Water temps in the mid-70’s are preferred for competitive swimming and training. But it’s not like that’s possible in an above ground pool, so waiting until it warms up is the only option.

Even lap swimmers wouldn’t want to jump in here — but Dharma would!

Ole’ Dharma might be a little slow to get up and down anymore, but she’d LOVE to take a dive. If not for the gate dividing the decks, we wouldn’t be able to keep her out of the pool. The challenge for Dharma isn’t getting in, I just don’t know how we’d manage to get her out.

Dharma and Merida

Now you know: In the Vietnamese version of Cinderella, the end has her boil her stepsister to death. She turns what remains of her into sauce and sends it to her stepmother to eat. The stepmother enjoyed it so much that she ate it all. Then she found the skull and died of shock. (Oh my!)