The only one that released endorphins and adrenaline here yesterday was Coco. The pool water temp dropped to 70° after the couple cool nights we’ve had, but that didn’t stop her from getting in. Neither did the fact that we’ve yet to put the steps in. And a lost bathing suit top wasn’t a deterrent either — she simply wore a t-shirt.

Time will tell if she reaps the benefits of the cold water:
- Boosted immune system
- Increased metabolism
- Enhanced mood and reduced stress
- Reduction of depression and anxiety symptoms
- Improved circulation
- Many more benefits too numerous to mention…
Ben was here for lunch to witness the event and I asked him if he would like to join Coco to improve his mental toughness.
It was a hard NO. 😉

Now you know: In 1962, 3 men escaped Alcatraz in a raft made of raincoats. The FBI never found them. New circumstantial and material evidence has continued to surface, stoking new debates on whether the inmates managed to survive — or if they drowned in the frigid waters of San Francisco Bay.