coffee makes everything better

Jun 21, 2024

Perry and I were talking last night about who invented coffee as a drink.

Perry lights fire in fire pit on deck.

Because inquiring minds want to know, I asked my friend, Google, who wasn’t sure. I next asked ChatGPT and came away with the same results.

Best guess is that it was probably a goat herder.

Legend has it that Kaldi, an Ethiopian goat herder, noticed his goats were energetic after eating red berries from a certain tree. He reported his findings to a local monastery. The monks brewed a drink with the berries and found that consumption of the drink allowed them to stay awake during long hours of prayer.

I have a new appreciation for goat herders — and monks!

day by the pool

After one of the worst weeks ever, today will be a pool day. Coffee in hand, I plan to do as little as possible. After days in code working to fix a server challenge, I got a message on FB asking for a call regarding a website I created in 2011. Even without a calculator I know that’s been a long time.

Waste my time on a call? Nope. I responded on Facebook with the year I created the site and that I chose not to provide an RFP when asked at the time they did a rework… probably around 2016 or so. I got a response right away…

text message

Practice retirement is back on. Yippee!

Now you know: Elephants stay cancer free as they have 20 copies of a key tumor-fighting gene; humans have just one.