planning a mental health day isn’t easy

Jun 25, 2024

ChatGPT offers suggestions on what you can ask it to do for you. Help you study for an exam… stuff like that. The suggestion that caught my eye was creating a mental health day. Still working through server challenges, I took the bait.

What are your favorite forms of relaxation?

That’s the only question asked. About the only thing relaxing I enjoy is reading — and of course, journaling here and Since websites are my current frustration (222 IPs blocked from Bulgaria in the last hour), I chose reading.

Following along, I started my day with a leisurely breakfast of something I enjoy and settled into a cozy spot with my current book.

cozy reading spot

The entire day’s activities planned by ChatGPT are structured around eating, reading in different locations, taking breaks to rest my eyes and walking short distances. In summary…

“Throughout the day, prioritize what makes you feel most relaxed and rejuvenated. Adjust the schedule as needed to suit your preferences and ensure you have a truly enjoyable day centered around reading and relaxation.”

I don’t have time for a mental health day.

I have a call at 10:00 AM and other work things that are pressing — in addition to the assholes that think there’s something amazing to steal on websites that do not allow users or CC details.

The Federal Reserve may not have time for a mental health day either.

You probably saw where LockBit, a Ransomware group, claimed to have successfully hit the Federal Reserve. According to LockBit, the Fed Reserve has until today to pay up or the group will begin to release some of the 33TB of banking information they exfiltrated. I could be wrong, but I think the deadline is 4:00 PM ET.

Cybersecurity experts are skeptical… and the Federal Reserve won’t confirm nor deny the allegations. Time will tell. 😬

Now you know: LockBit rose to prominence in 2019 by bringing in millions of dollars in ransom payments. And although the group’s online infrastructure was shuttered by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies, LockBit has managed to reemerge and continue its operations.