you must get up early to capture sunrise photos

Jul 3, 2024

I’m not an early riser. After driving a school bus for years, I figure I’ve earned the right to sleep in.

Driving a school bus doesn’t just mean you get up, prepare for your day and head out to a pre-heated or cooled car that spent the night in a garage. It means you get up and head out to a vehicle that is like an oven in the warm months and a freezer when it’s cold outside.

Flashback 17 years…

school bus driver - me

The photo above was taken on the last day of school in 2007 — and my last day of getting up at the butt crack of dawn to haul kids to school. I’d be lying if I said I miss it. I don’t… not for a single second have I missed it.

Until I change my morning routine, this is as close to a sunrise as I’ll likely get…

my morning point of view

Now you know: In 1984, Vince Neil, (lead vocalist of heavy metal band Mötley Crüe), drove drunk and killed one man and left two others with severe brain damage. After that he headed five alcohol-based companies.