there’s no back door – not for Apple or for Trump

Jul 14, 2024

UPDATE 7/19/24: All the heat Apple took from haters regarding “back door” access for law enforcement, and it was just released that the shooter was using a newer Samsung phone. So it was Android and not Apple OS after all. It was cracked by the FBI using unreleased software provided by Cellebrite Software, founded by an Israeli company. (More info here.)

Not gonna’ lie, I’ve been soaking in information like Sponge Bob since the assassination attempt on former President Trump. Drudge Report, X, Fox, and CNN for quick details — and then I mosey on to AP, Reuters, and BBC, because I prefer my news to be unbiased.

A non-political viewpoint of the assassination attempt.

You don’t get your world news from here and my opinion is only worth one vote… mine. I’m not going to point fingers in blame or get political here. What I will share is my opinion that many of today’s news outlets just can’t seem to tell the truth when it doesn’t align with their political agenda. In the rush to be first and gain attention, it doesn’t seem to matter if the reporting is accurate.

Sadly, in today’s world, you must fact check the fact checkers. For example, if you’re getting all your news from CNN, here’s just one instance showing why you should vary your outlets of info:

seriously CNN?

You can’t believe everything you read or hear (duh)…

Just like the “journalist” that created the headline in the photo above, (that should be out of a job by now), there are others wanting the spotlight that will take it a step further. From using AI to put smiles on the faces of secret service members — to crazy ridiculous conspiracy theories — some will do anything to get noticed or make the facts align with their own agendas.

I toss around all kinds of opinions here at home. You probably do the same. I think about what the assassination attempt would’ve looked like if it were Biden instead of Trump — and often share my thoughts with family and friends. Oh yah… I’m armchair quarterbacking… I’m just not blabbing it on social media. 😉

If you do want to share your opinions, please don’t blame the innocent.

Those blaming Apple for not unlocking the shooter’s phone for law enforcement — and there are a bajillion people doing just that — are uniformed. The shooter used an iPhone that law enforcement desperately wants to access. Of course, it would be wonderful to get all that hidden info.

But if a device has a backdoor to let the ‘good guys’ gain access, it’s not encrypted — and Apple refuses to break their end-to-end encryption. They’ll turn over all data from the cloud servers, but they simply can’t decrypt a device without either the user’s passcode, FaceID, or fingerprint.

There’s more to come, for sure.

As more info is dribbled to the public, please don’t rush to judgement or believe everything you see and read on the Internet. And for goodness sakes… please don’t point blame at the innocent.

Now you know: In 2014, a man armed with a knife entered The White House by hopping a fence and running through an unlocked door despite the President being there just minutes before.