being a pet owner is like being a sugar daddy

Jul 16, 2024

I guess the correct term in my instance is ‘sugar momma.’ No matter, the outcome is the same. You spend all your money keeping your pets happy and all they do is look cute and give you attention sometimes.

Someone better comes along and they forget all about you.

Check out Mr. Pesky in the door’s window in the photo below. Merida is in love with him. She’s 100% my girl until he comes around. 🙁

I didn’t mind the puppies giving him attention for once since he was essential today.

Mr. Pesky was needed and appreciated for 2 specific reasons:

  1. He brought over a new tomato variety that is AMAZING! (Head on over to to find out why you need them in your garden.)
  2. He helped move the larger part of a new sectional upstairs — a feat that should earn us all a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records.

The amazing accomplishment details begins with a stellar customer experience.

I purchased a Broyhill sectional from Big Lots. Believe it or not, they carry some higher quality brand name items and saving money is always good. When delivered, it had a piece broken on the back of one item.

I wasn’t happy about paying almost $2,000 for a damaged product so I reached out to them. I figured they’d give me a store credit for a couple hundred bucks. But three photos later, they offered to send me both pieces at no charge with no delivery fee.

The only thing they didn’t offer to do was carry the heavy things upstairs. 😬

upstairs family room

Now you know: The FDA does not recognize Dr Pepper as a cola, a root beer, or a fruit-flavored soft drink. Instead, Dr Pepper is said to be in a category of its own kind, called “pepper soda,” named for the brand.