I keep a full hummingbird feeder here all the time. While the Pesky Neighbors — and even my friend in Scipio — have multiple feeder options, I’ve stuck with just one. Last year, it was like grand central station and it seemed like the hummers were fatter.
Here we are in July, and all I’m getting are lil’ bitty guys!

Remember Brad? (Post about the friendly hummer here.) He was here all summer and ate multiple times every day. He wasn’t afraid of humans or dogs and would often fly under the table’s umbrella to check us out.
The dude in the above photo is afraid he’s being checked out as a dinner option by someone around here. 😉

Now you know: In Thailand, if your spouse cheats on you, you can legally sue their lover for damages and can receive up to 5,000,000 THB ($140,000 USD) or more under Section 1523 of the Thai Civil and Commercial Code.