be careful when you predict the future

Aug 17, 2024

I saw a meme today that made me smile. It referenced the 90s and I loved it not just because I was around then, but because I remember my Mom preaching the same thing to me in the 70s.

You aren’t always gonna have a calculator in your pocket.

— 90s teachers (and my Mom)

I’m no longer embarrassed by that D- I got in Algebra in high school.

As I carry a tool that’s not only a calculator… but also a phone, camera, encyclopedia, and a bajillion other things, I guess struggling hard in Algebra only impacted my life in the early days.

I was so bad in math that I was accepted into college on probation. I had one semester to get a C or above in a general math course — one that cost my parents money but yielded no college credit. I studied hard and might’ve even cheated to “earn” that C+. As the daughter of grocery store owners, I could make change like a boss — something I’ve noticed many can’t do in today’s world.

So now, I’m waiting for mass production of programable lawn mowers.

If planting straight rows with a tractor can be automated, I want an affordable option of a similar device for everyone that has large areas of grass to mow.

If I had that, it would leave more time for me to sit and stare into the tree line and take photos of random plants that grow inside there…

growing in the woods

Now you know: Willie Nelson was married to Martha Matthew. The marriage was marked by violence, as Matthews assaulted Nelson on several occasions. On one occasion, she sewed him up in bedsheets and beat him with a broomstick.