how many steps you should walk for optimal health

Aug 20, 2024

The recommended number of steps per day for health varies depending on age, fitness level, overall health, and goals. Of course, consulting a healthcare provider before starting a new exercise routine is also recommended, particularly if there are any underlying health conditions.

There are days I don’t even want to walk to the mailbox.

Even when I don’t want to do any activity, I still do my best to crank out a MINIMUM of 7,000 steps. I typically shoot for between 10K and 15K and give myself a big ole’ high five if I’m over 15K.

Below are the recommendations of steps per day per age groups specifically for health benefits (not for building strength, improving fitness, or losing weight):

  • Children 6-17 years old — 12K – 15K
  • Adults — 18-29 years old — 10K – 12K
  • Older Adults — 65+ — 6K – 8K

Maintaining a moderate level of physical activity is crucial for mobility, balance, and overall health.

It’s important to start at a comfortable level and gradually increase your daily number of steps, even when your ability to be active decreases with age. If you’re a 9 year-old dog with hip issues, you don’t even want to get off the deck some days.

Dharma doesn't want to get off the deck.

I hope these guides either inspire you to get moving more — or even better… help you realize you’re moving more than the minimum recommendations. 🙂

Now you know: Keanu Reeves has donated more than $31 million for cancer research.