how to deal with those who strive to sabotage your diet

Aug 22, 2024

Yesterday, I traveled north with those pesky neighbors to Sam’s Club.

traveling with the pesky neighbors

I purchased healthy proteins like ribeyes and chicken, but also came home with twinkies and cupcakes for others to snack on. With our “fat chicks” diet ongoing (today is weigh-in day), I was being extra careful.

Imagine my surprise…

The peskies, having completed their shopping before me, were waiting patiently. Where? Why, they were at the food area enjoying pizza and ice-cream.

those peskies are sneaky

To effectively deal with people who try to sabotage your diet, experts say you should stay focused, plan ahead, practice self-control, and stay positive.

I’ll be pulling all those tricks out this weekend so Katie doesn’t temp me when she visits. I plan to be the one doing ALL the sabotaging. Watch me pull out the s’mores! She simply can’t resist them and they aren’t a huge favorite of mine.

Everything is fair in a diet competition. 🙂

Now you know: Should a U.S. citizen decide to travel to North Korea, the U.S. Department of State recommends they draft a will and discuss plans with loved ones regarding custody of their children and their funeral arrangements.