what do you like less the older you get?

Aug 25, 2024

I’ll go first. The thing that I like less and less the older I get are people that are petty. You know, people who stir shit for others to get what THEY want, all the while pretending (probably even convincing themselves) that their meddling is done with only good intentions. ๐Ÿ™„

My tolerance for bullshit gets lower every year I breathe.

Those types of ugly actions will return to you.

Your petty meter might be lower than mine… I hope it is. It takes less today to peg my meter than it did even 10-years ago. And all actions have reactions, right? ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

So what do you like less and less the older you get?

I can also tell you what I like more and more the older I get…

Enjoying family in peace and quiet and without neighbors:

family at the solo stove

In addition, I love this energy drink! It’s a big 0 points on weight watchers, is refreshing, and if you ignore the caffeine it has some ingredients that might be good for you.

Now you know: The 1988 McDonalds “Million Dollar” record winner was 13 at the time. His mom claimed it and squandered a good chunk of it. Then she had her boyfriend steal what was left. He lost his mom 10 years later, doesnโ€™t talk to his sister, and now trims trees for a living.