social and economic achievements celebrated

Sep 2, 2024

Happy Labor Day! We’ve spent the entire weekend celebrating the contributions to our country made by laborers — and will continue to celebrate today. Yesterday, we started out with a gorgeous day here in southern Indiana…

Indiana field in late summer

Cooler temps at last!

All throughout the daylight hours, the weather was perfect to enjoy being outside. Swimming and just lounging were the favorite activities. The pool water temp was barely above 82° — I prefer it to be a tad warmer, but it wasn’t terribly chilly.

Then the universe changed our evening plans. 🌬️

We’d planned to light up the solo stove after dark to roast marshmallows and make s’mores. The universe obviously decided none of us worked hard enough to celebrate with a tasty snack. At least that’s the only valid reason we knew of that would cause the wind to kick up so much we were afraid we’d catch the woods on fire.

Instead, we roasted those marshmallows on our tiny tabletop Solo Cinder Bowl. It worked just fine and we had a great evening. Yes, we still got our s’mores, Mother Nature.

Coco wearing marshmallow cream
evening s'mores

Back to work tomorrow for everyone not practicing retirement.

Here’s hoping you and yours enjoy this last day of a long weekend. ❤️

Now you know: President Grover Cleveland made Labor Day a national holiday in 1894, during a crisis over federal efforts to end a strike by railroad workers.