it’s too early to decorate for Halloween

Sep 3, 2024

Here we are… early September and nearing the end of summer. On social media, I see many already decorating for fall. I’m the proud owner of two decorative pumpkins — one ceramic and one glass. For the record, I’m not a fan of Halloween; therefore, I think it’s always too early to decorate for that occasion.

What is this item of sorcery?

Unlike me, Perry loves Halloween. He purchased and found a spot to display this bad boy and it’s not even October yet…

an item of sorcery

Ben decided that scary dude needed to be elsewhere. He also decided he was a smoker.

smoking is bad

It’s still too early!

My 2 pumpkins remain put away and won’t come out until at least the first of October. With the cool nights, it’s doubtful we’ll have any more swim days, but that in itself doesn’t mean summer is over! We still have 21 days left — the last day of summer 2024 is Sunday, September 22nd.

I wonder if we rush the fall season because school starts long before Labor Day now — that old time marker that summer was coming to a close. The corn here is still green with no signs of turning brown yet, and I plan to hang on to summertime for as long as I can. I won’t let go until Christmas decor is out for purchase and carols are being piped through every business in America. (Maybe I have until 10/1/24.)

Now you know: While filming Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Linda Hamilton suffered permanent hearing damage in one ear when Arnold Schwarzenegger fired a shotgun inside an elevator after she had removed her ear plugs.