how long does it take for you to feel dumb?

Sep 12, 2024

Just got the mower back from being repaired and was charged up to mow myself instead of Mr. Pesky doing it for me. Once I started mowing, I could barely tell where I’d been so I lowered the deck. A few more swipes and I lowered it again. More than 1/2 done (most of it 2 or 3 times), I noticed no grass was blowing out the side of the deck.

It took me about 3 hours to feel stupid.

All that time in the hot sun mowing over the same spots wondering if I missed them — I figured out it was a lawnmower problem and not a ME one. Perry and Mr. Pesky had the problem figured out and fixed in less than 30-minutes. 🙄

In other news…

  • If you read my post yesterday about no more related posts because of a vulnerability in the plugin — you wasted your time because it’s fixed now. YAY!
  • Katie is coming home today and will likely raid my closet tonight. She’s heading to Paris, Denmark, and other great places far from home.
  • Today is weigh-in day for ‘fat chicks’ and I wish I could weigh after I mow the yard AGAIN. So far I’m in the middle of the pack and Jerilyn is losing. By losing… I don’t mean weight. 😉
  • Tomorrow will be the last day I get to see a pool view until next summer.

pool before closing

Now you know: The 9/11 rescue dogs became so depressed finding only dead bodies, rescue workers had to stage fake rescues to boost their morale.