An adventure of a lifetime with an old friend

Sep 15, 2024

All alone, Katie leaves today at noon for a trip to Europe. She won’t be alone once she reaches London though — her friend from Denmark, Kim, is meeting her there.

Katie is so excited, and I’m excited for her. We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows for s’mores for her grand send off.

night by the fire

Kim was a Crothersville High School exchange student in 2012.

Kim stayed with Katie and family for a year more than a decade ago. She and Katie became great friends and remain so still today. They cooked up a dream trip that’s becoming a reality starting today. Neither have been to London or Paris — and Katie’s never been to Denmark — although they did both go to the C’ville prom. 😉

Katie and Kim

I can’t wait to hear the stories (many will begin with Katie’s flight, I’m sure) and see all the photos that will make it to my phone in the next couple weeks.

Now you know: Airplane emergency exit doors are impossible to open mid flight. It would take 24,000 pounds of force to open the door because of the air pressure.