I guess to be fair, it was a little cooler yesterday than most days the week before. It was still humid… and it was still pretty darned warm out there. My glass storm door steamed up where the outside met up with the inside.
We needed rain – we got a few sprinkles.
The flowers appreciated the drink, but I’m not sure there was enough rain to even soak into the ground. This late-blooming azalea sure is a pretty pink, isn’t it? Not the first bloom was to be seen all summer but she’s making up for it now.

We’re supposed to get more rain this week. The grass out here is so dry in all the spots not in the shade — and the hounds would appreciate more than just a wet sidewalk.

Now you know: Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys wrote their first single “Surfin'” for a high school music class and received an F for it. In 2018 the high school retroactively changed his grade to an A.