Mr. Farmer began harvesting my privacy fence yesterday. My momma is thrilled because she can now see US 31 from her little room on front of her barndo. I would be happy to keep the corn forever.

Mr. Farmer put so much work and effort into the ground this season and I hope it’s his best year yet. They sure hauled a lot of loads out of the field so that’s a good sign. It’s for certain we need to keep the farmers farming — they’re vital to national prosperity, food security, and sustainability efforts.
In addition, their work makes for beautiful photos from my place in Indiana. 🙂

They won’t be gleaning corn, for sure.
I remember as a kid, Scott and I had to help in the fields gleaning corn. Pap-pa would usually drive the old Ford tractor we had — pulling a wagon behind it while the family peons picked up the corn left in the fields that the combine missed.
I sure thought I was a big time farmer back then and enjoyed doing it. Scott… not so much. He was never a huge fan of any kind of physical work. He still isn’t.
Nothing left in this field to glean… and I don’t have horses, cows or pigs to feed it to even if there was.

Now you know: In 1967, the whiskey brand Canadian Club did a “Hide a Case” advertising campaign where they hid 25 cases of their whiskey in exotic locations around the world. There are still 9 cases still hidden with one being above the Artic Circle.