looking to buy a flashing neon sign for UPS and FedEx

Dec 22, 2024

Last week, my packages were delivered to the wrong address 3 times. Twice to the Villa where I lived for 100 years, and yesterday they all went to the house across the road that Mom built new. I understand that this close to Christmas delivery drivers are busy. But sheesh!

Here I am!

That’s all I need my sign to say. Just something so the distracted drivers will at least notice me sitting back here. I guess I could instead run to their trucks, lick their windshields and beat on their doors. That’s what my pack does to get attention. It works every single time.

puppies want attention

Now you know: Adolf Hitler had filthy table manners, ate junk food, and frequently passed gas, according to 1945 documents. He gorged on sweets like cake, ate “mechanically,” chewed his nails, and ran his fingers through his hair while eating. His habits caused digestive issues and frequent flatulence.