Crazy Walmart story incoming because my name is NOT Diane Rimes…
It all started with 3 odd Walmart text messages with the subject line “God of War.” I deleted each one and marked them as spam. Walmart doesn’t text my number about orders so I figured it was a phishing scam. Next thing I know, I have a package outside with no address on it — just “S. Erwin” along with numbers. I open it up and there’s a video game for a PS5 system called “God of War.”
I open on my computer and check my order history. Nope… no accidental purchase there. I look at my CC charges and there’s an unknown Walmart charge for right at $200 bucks!
Help me 1-800-walmart!
The person I got at the toll free number spoke pretty good English and understood what happened. With the numbers written on the package, they were able to see that ole Diane Rimes used my phone number and CC to purchase gift cards and the game. How did this happen?? You guys… I don’t fall for scams — EVER.
Every password I have is long and different, my phone is never out of my possession nor is my CC. My CC doesn’t even have numbers or my name on it. It’s totally blank. I use 2 factor identification for everything digital — I have to respond from my password protected phone that’s always in my possession to authorize all sign ins and purchases.

The grand finale…
My digital number (only for online purchases) was changed and the charges disputed. Walmart contacted me again to let me know it was likely an employee who accessed the info and made the purchases. The local Walmart was notified so video could be pulled for that exact time. I was told to keep the game… donate it or trash it… and I would not be charged. I’m waiting to find out why the account was for Diane Rimes but one item was sent to me.
I don’t know who delivered the package because it was left at my neighbor’s house. She said the person was driving a small gray car and although she shouted for him to stop — he ignored her and left.
I can’t tell you to be careful out there because sometimes that doesn’t stop thieves.
I can tell you my house smells amazing… there’s homemade cinnamon bread in that basket and it’s headed to Tennessee. ❤️

Now you know: Jimmy Carter was the first president to be born in a hospital.