In the wee hours of the morning yesterday (3:48 AM), a homeowner in Madison, IN, called 911 and advised Jefferson County Dispatch that he had shot two people who had broken into his residence. The Sheriff’s Office arrived and found the two men deceased.
Perry works in Madison and heard about it from almost every customer throughout the day. I’ve always thought of Madison as an artsy/craftsy sort of river town, and love the downtown homes and shops. Bad things can happen anywhere, right?

The Sheriff’s Office posted about the incident on Facebook
The FB comments are black or white. There are those who believe the men were “somebody’s babies,” “would never have hurt anyone,” and believe the homeowner was “too quick to defend his property.” Then there are those who want to “give the homeowner a medal,” and are happy because “it saved taxpayers money.” And still others ranting that it’s the fault of the parents.
I’ve been a victim of a break-in, and it sucks!
Nanny’s house was broken into right after she passed away… before her body was cold in the grave. I already owned the house and I’m telling you — it’s an awful feeling to know strangers were touching the stuff inside to decide if it was worthy to steal. I still feel that same ickyness when I think about it to this day. If something doesn’t belong to you, leave it the Hell alone. 😡
How far would you go to protect your home and family?
The fact is, we don’t know how quickly the homeowner reacted or what other family members were present. We do know that 2 grown men came inside uninvited with the intent to take stuff that they didn’t work to pay for — and who knows what they would’ve actually done (or did) when confronted. We know it was close to 4:00 AM so it certainly wasn’t a social call.
Law enforcement is investigating and it appears the homeowner hasn’t yet had charges brought against him/her. Indiana has the Castle Doctrine and the Stand Your Ground Law — allowing the use of deadly force to defend yourself and your property in certain circumstances… including if someone breaks in your home. I’m guessing the homeowner was within his/her rights.
I have cameras. I have dogs. And, I have guns.

I wouldn’t hesitate to shoot an intruder. When my camera caught them and my dogs were flipping their shit, I would first call 911. If a door is breached, getting shot would be the consequence for a bad action.
So would you shoot someone you didn’t know that entered your home at 3:48 AM?
It’s sad all around, yanno? It’s sad that two men felt it was ok to enter into another’s home; it’s sad they’re dead… especially for their families; it’s sad the homeowner will forever remember taking two lives; and it’s even sad for law enforcement as they had to find two dead humans.
Now you know: The phrase “witching hour” was first recorded around 1835, and may have originated from a time in 1535 when the Catholic Church forbade activities between 3–4 AM due to concerns about witchcraft.