Of course, I’m not a meteorologist so this post isn’t a forecast or what you should expect in the coming hours. I’d love to know the answer to what to expect… you probably would too. Around here, it appears I’m the only one concerned so far though…

I’ve got plenty of food, coffee and toilet paper in the house so the essentials are in place. We have gas for the generator, too. While that won’t power a whole bunch of stuff if the electric goes off, it will allow for the iHeater, Keurig machine, and at least 1 computer. (mine) With unlimited phone data, we should at least be able to buddy up to stay warm and watch a movie even without power.
Ice is the biggest concern.
Losing power is the worst for most everyone, I think. While our heat requires electricity to power the hot water into the floors for radiant heat, it will stay warm longer in the barndo than other homes that heat with total electric. The pesky neighbors have alternate gas heat so I don’t need to worry about them. I do worry about others that don’t have any backup plan.
And, I worry about animals left outside — unlike Hugo who hasn’t a care in the world. At least not anymore. 😌

I’m team “foot of snow!” Perry is team “miss us altogether.“
From all indications so far, we’re right on the line between significant snowfall and horrific ice storm. Even a little ice is dangerous for travel — add 1/4 inch and it’s dangerous for trees and power lines.
Stay safe wherever you are!
I’ll share photos of whatever we get whenever we get it.
Now you know: In the 1980s, tobacco giants Philip Morris and R.J. Reynolds acquired the major food companies Kraft, General Foods and Nabisco, allowing tobacco firms to dominate America’s food supply and reap billions in sales from popular brands such as Oreo cookies, Kraft Macaroni & Cheese and Lunchables.