And we’re off! So far, it’s not horribly cold outside, there’s no wind whipping around, and the snow is beginning to softly fall. It’s BEAUTIFUL!

I’ve already been outside with the doggos because Dharma has to have an escort off the porch. Yup! In my shortie pajamas, I brave every element just so she can pee outside.

Hugo’s first “real” snow…
Cold temps make all 3 dogs frisky. It moves Dharma to almost normal activity mode and the other 2 into hyper-holy shit activity levels. If we lose power, Merida’s shock collar will be one of the priority charges made from the generator.
The snow is steadily falling and our landscape will be changing rapidly if forecasters are right. Stay tuned for updates… especially if you’re out of range of snowmaggedon January, 2025.
Now you know: Beginning Wednesday January 25, 1978, Indiana was paralyzed by a snow storm that came to be known as the Blizzard of ’78, the worst blizzard on record for the Hoosier state.