Sitting at my desk in the family room/office I can see the horizon to the west. I looked out to see one of the most gorgeous sunsets and remembered to be thankful. I grabbed my trusty phone for a photo through the window, but it simply didn’t do the sky justice.
There’s a path cleared of snow and ice from the door to the dog’s part of the yard, but no path to the back deck that would let me take a photo. Determined, I took my decrepit butt out in the frigid air and stepped up the 8″ onto the block of ice I had to tread across. I risked breaking a hip, but I think it was worth it. 😉

No lava in the Ville.
I turned just a bit more to the north to grab another photo. Once I pulled it in PhotoShop to resize it to share here, I noticed that the part of the yard that’s straight ice (after the rain washed some of the snow down the hill), has a reflection of the sky. It only LOOKS like lava.

Now you know: The T4 Program was a Nazi German euthanasia program that forcibly killed the physically or mentally disabled, the emotionally distraught, elderly people and the incurably ill. The death toll may have reached 200,000 or more. Initiated by Adolph Hitler in 1939, it was discontinued in 1941; however, the killings continued covertly until the military defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945.