I guess when the cold weather advisory was lifted I expected a little bit of warm weather. But what did we get? You guessed it! More snow…

It was light snowfall, didn’t last all that long, and it didn’t really make a huge difference, but good grief! Enough already!
Take a deep… very deep… breath…
I have some FB friends that are Trump supporters — and others that are totally flipping their ever-loving shit. I get it! I do. But it is what it is. Trump IS the president — yours and mine if you live in the good ole’ USA — no matter if we voted for him or not.
It seems to me that Trump is fulfilling the promises he ran his campaign on. Since he was elected based upon those promises, nothing he’s doing should be a surprise, right? Sure, there are things you can do if you oppose certain actions taken by any president — contact your elected representatives, peacefully protest, stay informed, support legal challenges by donating to organizations like the ACLU… etc. But the biggest thing you can do is to exercise your voting rights.
Posting ugly personal insults to others who don’t believe the same as you isn’t going to change one thing.
Really smart people that I respect can sure haul out some inappropriate language in a public forum when it comes to politics. It makes me sad to see personal friendships strained over views on federal government issues and national elections.
Rather than get worked up about things I can’t change — and because the weather here is total crap — I turned my energy to the kitchen and made baked Ziti!

It tasted great, but the sauce turned out pink. It sort of looked like vomit and I probably lost my Betty Crocker in Training badge over this one. 🥴
Now you know: Before the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded, NASA management genuinely believed that the chances of a catastrophic failure to the Space Shuttle was 1 in 100,000. By the time the Space Shuttles were retired, they had a catastrophic failure rate of 1 in 67.5.