Today is my Nanny’s birthday. She would’ve been 114 if still alive today, but she passed at 98 years-old on 8/26/2009. It seems impossible that it’s been over 15 years since then.

I’ve told many “Nanny stories” throughout the years here on and could tell a million more if only I could remember which ones I’ve already shared. Nanny was amazing, and Scott & I were so fortunate to have her. If I could’ve chose a grandmother from all the people that have been on this planet earth, I would’ve still picked her.

One of my favorite memories…
I remember being small enough to sit on her lap in the rocking chair and listen to her sing to me.
Froggie went a-courtin’ and he did ride with a sword and a pistol by his side, Uh-huh. Well he rode up to Miss Mousey’s door, Uh-huh, Well he rode up to Miss …
PS. She was also a wonderful grandmother and sang all those same songs to Ben. ❤️

Now you know: In 2010 a doctor and his son just happened to be walking by an apartment building in Paris when a 15-month-old boy fell 80ft (24m) from a seventh floor balcony before bouncing off a cafe awning into the doctor’s arms. His catch helped the boy escape “miraculously without a single scratch.”