I saw this stupid headline somewhere and know when you share a meme — any meme — it has nothing to do with how others feel about you. Because my brother and I share memes often, it was easy to find my last one and now I think that headline might be right. 😆

More rain today and that means muddy floors and nasty toys.
When I was young, Mr. Pesky called me “Sidney, the crazy elephant.” I was pretty darned round and I sucked my thumb. Sidney, in the cartoon, was fat and sucked his trunk. Funny how you can remember something that hurt your feelings even 60 years later, isn’t it?
When Hugo got an elephant toy for Christmas this year, the first name that came to mind for it was… you guessed it… Sidney. Ole Sidney gets rough treatment and was recently taken outside only to come back in the next day. Here’s Sidney from the cartoon (top left) and Sidney (Hugo’s favorite toy) in the washer…

Hugo was so happy to get Sidney back all clean and smelling good. The problem is there’s only one Sidney, and Merida loves him too. 🙂

Now you know: There is currently a worldwide shortage of black pepper and the price-per-ton has almost tripled since January 2023.