Preface: this is a political post from a business perspective…
I understand why the Democrat party is freaking out because Elon Musk and team are allowed access to sensitive information. What I don’t understand is why the majority of the Democrat party’s leadership aren’t also expressing outrage for the crazy expenditures that were being made with tax dollars by USAID — and offering forward-thinking solutions. Those elected by the people should represent the people they work for.
Seriously, you have to wonder why your tax dollars funded a $43 million dollar gas station in Afghanistan, spent almost $50K for a transgender opera in Columbia, and gave Peru $32,000 to create an LGBTQ-centered comic book. Don’t you? And it’s not like these accusations of where the money went are “made up.” All the expenditures of USAID are public and may be accessed through various government transparency and accountability websites.
You don’t swing at every pitch.
Polls show that the majority of people think the government is wasting money. Trump is generating outrage by the steps he’s taking — he’s a master of disruption and is moving so quickly it’s hard to keep up — that’s his strategy. Say what you want about Trump, but his strategy is smart. Democrats are kept off-balance trying to put out small fires and frankly, are made to look out of touch and irrelevant in every form of media outlet (most recently, even on CNN).
I’m no expert, and I’ve never been a staunch supporter of either party affiliation, so you can take this observation with the weight it has (none) — it seems to me that Trump is disrupting, while Democrats are distracting (the ole’ “don’t look there… look over here” tactic).
Trump is a businessman and disruption in business is crucial.
Disruption drives innovation and challenges outdated models. It introduces fresh solutions that improve efficiency and sets new industry standards. Companies like Uber, Netflix, and Tesla have shown that embracing disruption leads to growth, market dominance, and long-term success. As Trump disrupts, it makes the Dems look like they’re playing whack-a-mole — and I can’t understand why they continue defending choices that don’t represent the majority of the people.
Stepping off my soapbox, here’s what is going on in my muddy slice of the world. 🙂

Now you know: William Halsted was a famous surgeon and a founder of Johns Hopkins, but was addicted to cocaine and used it during surgeries. He would inject himself with cocaine to test it before using it on patients. Eventually his writings for the NY Medical Journal became incoherent.