As I was up much too late reading news articles online, an advertisement popped up for a business I’m familiar with. The lettering used for this ad sure looks like the font named “creepster” to me. 😳
My mouth dropped open and I looked at the ad so long it was replaced by the next one in rotation. To make sure I wasn’t dreaming, I waited for it to come around again.
Nope – not dreaming.

I don’t know what to say about this marketing endeavor other than I’m left wondering why they deviated from their typical professional/respectful/caring brand I’ve always seen them use. This makes me think of Little Leota in Disney’s Haunted Mansion and the reminder as you escape to, “be sure to bring your death certificate” as you “hurry back.” Maybe that’s why it was created since the entire family loves Disney World? It’s not a spin from the Addams Family show — it uses Fiddums Family font.
Their ad was in rotation with Lowe’s and Huggies diapers so whatever works, right? It was just sort of cool to see a local ad on a national news site. 🙂
Little Mr. Hugo…
We always talk about how lucky Hugo is to have found me — he wouldn’t have made it out there on his own much longer, that’s certain. And while that’s true, I still think I got the better end of the deal. He’s quirky, smart, and is the sweetest little hound dog on the planet. ❤️

Now you know: The 2022 Ig Nobel prize in economics (awarded annually by Harvard University to celebrate unusual or trivial achievements in scientific research) went to a bunch of Mathematicians who proved, mathematically, that luck matters more than talent to achieve success