It’s rained here all day. This evening, the thunder and lightning was no different than a spring storm — with the exception that it’s just 43°. Close to midnight, it’s still storming and Hugo is scared. I wonder if some of his time before he found us was spent outside in bad weather.
Poor lil’ fella has cried ever since the thunder started.
Ben felt so sorry for him that he crawled in the dog bed with him.

Neither of them appreciated me taking a photo and interrupting the conversation they were having about how thunder isn’t anything to worry about…

Wintery mix is next, but at least the thunder will dissipate.
The thunderstorm won’t be around much longer says It will be leaving just in time for the wintery mix to hit while we watch for “significant flooding.” Sheesh! It’s predicted we’re to get another inch of snow on top of whatever ice decides to stick around.
For the record, the cold season in Indiana lasts for 3.1 months — from December 1 to March 5 — and the coldest month of the year is January. That means we’re already on the other side of this winter and spring can’t come soon enough for me.
Now you know: Thomas Jefferson wrote his own epitaph listing three accomplishments. Being 3rd President wasn’t one of them. This is his epitaph:
Here was buried Thomas Jefferson
Author of the Declaration of American Independence of the Statute of Virginia for religious freedom & Father of the University of Virginia.
(Inventor of the swivel chair would’ve been my top notation if I were him.) 🙂